Source code for ci_watson.jwst_helpers

"""Helper module for JWST tests."""
import pytest

__all__ = ['require_crds_context']

# This is not in the plugin due to CRDS dependency.
[docs] def require_crds_context(required_context): """ Ensure CRDS context is a certain level. Parameters ---------- required_context : int The minimal level required. Returns ------- decor : ``pytest.mark.skipif`` decorator Decorator to skip if ``CRDS_CONTEXT`` is not at lest a certain level. """ import re import crds current_context_string = crds.get_context_name('jwst') match = re.match(r"jwst_(\d\d\d\d)\.pmap", current_context_string) current_context = int( return pytest.mark.skipif( current_context < required_context, reason='CRDS context {} less than required context {}'.format( current_context_string, required_context ) )